May 1st

Better known as May Day! Or Sunday to the rest of us working folks trying NOT to focus on what tomorrow is!!


My workout week was pretty “ok”…

Monday: CrossFit

Strength: Power Clean 6×2 AHAP (as heavy as possible)- 95# 

Metcom (Time): 3 rounds for time

10 clean and jerk 65#

40ft HS walk *

75 DU**

40ft HS walk

*substituted for 60 sec handstand (against the wall)

**substituted for 150 SU

-18 minute time cap (which I made!!)

Tuesday: Run

It was so freaking HOT!! It wasn’t a pretty run, but it was a run.

…and I ripped a hole in my new Nike tank tearing off the tag on the inside. #moron.  I ran in my new Oakley sunglasses. It was a “hey, I just ran a 10k” and “Happy Early Mother’s Day” gift to me.  Let me just say, I NEVER run without a hat, but this day…I forgot my hat!   Remember when I forgot my shoes last week? Apparently, I’m on a forgetful streak….

They worked out great! They didn’t fog up (which is why I STOPPED using sunglasses to run) and they didn’t do the “slip and slide”off my face (the SECOND reason I stopped wearing sunglasses to run).  They were costly, but they are worth it.

I didn’t make it back to a run or the gym until Friday:

Strength: Back Squats 5 x 3 (70-80% of 1 RM)- 95# (still HATE them!!)

Metcom: 8 min AMRAP

30 DU*

8 ring dips**

30 sec rest

* substituted for 60 SU

** substituted for box dips

The “cash out” was a mile run. It was still so hot, that run was like a fast walk! 😂

My workout week was kind of light but I am 3 weeks out from my first triathlon. 😁. I’m scared as I am NOT prepared (surprise surprise) but I’ll be fine and get the kick in the pants that I always need! 

How was your weekend? What does your  workout week look like?


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