Rest day….Like it or Not

Oh Friday…how I LOVE thee!! I’ve been looking for you all week! Not like I have anything super exciting planned but it’s a LONG weekend….LABOR DAY WEEKEND, Baby!!!

IMG_4158.JPGHaving Monday off (actual Labor Day) means the WORLD to us working folks/parents! One more day to get stuff done and prepare for the week! The weekends go so fast, that by the time you look up…it’s Monday! #damn

I fully intended to meet my girlfriend, Leslie, for a run around the lake after work.

IMG_2399.JPGWe haven’t seen each other much since she doesn’t come to the gym anymore because of her work schedule AND since the kiddos started school!

I usually take Friday off, but I took full advantage of the idea of:
A. Catching up
B. Getting in an unplanned run
C. Doing something BEFORE I pick up the kids!!

But guess what??? Mother Nature had a different plan. NO, not THAT!!!😉. About an hour before it’s time to leave work….the sky started to become and black…and them it.was.ON!! Rain like NO business came falling out of the sky!! #typicalFLORIDA

It didn’t let up about 1 1/2 hours!! So….NO run!!! #weatherFAIL
I was pissed!!! But I got over it…picked up the kiddos….went home and relaxed!

My plan is to run in the morning, and get myself back on track for possible 10k before the end of the year. I am still in training for my triathlon in October, so this will help!!

So, I thank Mother Nature for the I unscheduled rest day today. I probably needed it more than I would like to admit…..

How was your Friday?
Any plans for Labor Day weekend?

PS….College Football is BACK!! And my Gators are playing tomorrow! Excited isn’t the word….

IMG_4156.JPGGot my NEW lawn flag!!
And we are getting ready to….
