What I’m Digging Now…

I used to post about “What I Love Tuesdays” (WILT).  I haven’t posted about that in a while, so I thought I’d bring it back….with a new name…..What I’m Digging Now (WIDN).  This will be my Blog (or Website) Edition – 

I’ve read many blogs over the years and doing so inspired me to do the same.  The blogs I have read (and continue to read) inspire me…to be a better me.  Whether it is through fitness, parenting, health, fashion..whatever…I get something from them all!  I thought I’d share some of the blogs/websites that I like.

 Asshole Parents (sorry for the language if you are sensitive to it😁).    

I literally DIED when I saw this!! I stumbled across this on my IG.  Anything that deals with people that are just like me…I’m all in!!! You know those moments when your child is crying/pouring/being a brat for reasons that seem INCOMPREHENSIBLE to you as an adult?? Then you are an #assholeparent. If you have a sense of humor like mine (basically of a 13 year old BOY) and you are a parent, you will more than likely enjoy the website and the IG feed!! Check them out. 

Petite Girls Need Clothes Too

This is for all us petite ladies living in a non petite world. Have trouble finding some clothes, do you? This is a new blog that will help us petite girls find clothes that work for us.  This blogger is an attorney, mother of 4 and on a good day, 5′ tall! Oh….she also happens to be my younger sister, Mo, too! 😉.  She’s a stylist little lady (I’m still trying to figure out how we are related!!).   #soNOTstylish #butiTRY

Courtesy of Petite Girls Need Clothes Too

 Check her blog out! 

Cupcakes & Miles

I am particularly partial to blogs that are local! I live in the Tampa (FL) area and by chance, so does she!!! I’m sure we have passed each other a GAZILLION times and haven’t even known.  Her blog is great…from what she eats, to what she doing (soon training for a marathon, right??), and her home and work life.   Hopefully, we will meet in a race…or in Target! 😉

When you follow websites and blogs, you really feel like you are getting to know that person.  I find comfort in reading their stories amd can’t wait to see what the next post is (….but not like stalker-ish waiting…..😉😂).  And although you may NEVER meet in the real world, you always know in the BLOGiverse, you have a person/people that understand EXACTLY what you are going through. 😃

I’ll feature some more next week! Many of them are right here on WordPress!!  Hope you get to take a look at some of my likes!!

Any blogs or websites you like and would suggest?